Core Values & Key Issues
Government exists to protect your God-given rights
Second Amendment: big or small the constitution protects them all!
Unequivocally pro-life
There are only two genders. Bathrooms and sports correspond to the way you are created by your Maker.
Parents determine the education of their children
Spending caps and cuts
Replacement revenues (accompanied with spending caps) to remove the burden of state PFD withdraws (not additional revenues) that stand on a more equitable distribution
Grow our way economically out of revenue deficits through the removal/reform of government regulations that keep Alaskan business operating and attracts outside investment.

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cole snodgrass
cole house district 36
cole snodgress
cole4 house 36
cole 4 house 36
cole for house district 36
conservative alaskan

Want to further discuss these core values?
I would love to connect with the people of district 36 and hear from you. What is an issue that you want heard on? Please reach out to me via email, phone or social media to schedule a meet up or a phone call.